Saturday, November 26, 2011

Almost out of Time!!

My group is currently is crunch time has we are trying to get everything done for the game. Trying to get all the requirements done and working together is turning into a nightmare. Thankfully we only have a few more requirements left. We are going to be spending most of the time left to get them all done. The game is turning out pretty good, much better than our first semester game we made last year. Once the game is finally done I can relax for like 12 second before I have to start worrying about all my other homework. I had to set aside some of my other courses homework in order to work on the game. I still need to complete all of the IK stuff for my model, as well as all of the texturing, including normal and specular maps. 

The texture so far.  

I also need to properly UV map my level for the game. On top of that I still have homework for the game engine course as well as cybercrime and project management. Luckily all of these things are due a week after the game, so I should have time to get everything done. I am looking forward to Christmas break as I will finally get away from all this homework!!         

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Still a Long Road Ahead

Progress was slower this week, but was still quite decent. I was able nearly finish my level for the game; just a few more textures need to be fixed. It is now implemented and fully functional. The artist in our group finally sent over the proper textures, which helped improved the visuals. I also started tackling a few more requirements, but am having problems with a few of them, but at least they are started. I still have no idea how we are going to implement features such as animations systems. As of right now it seems impossible. I am also having trouble with my character for the game, the IK system seems to be all wonky. I got the arm working, but I still need to get the manipulators controlling things such as the fingers. At least the weight painting is done… which was MUCH more work than I could have ever imaged. I also finished a large assignment for one of my electives. Hopefully with that out of the way, it will leave more time to work on the other assignments, like the game engine homework. Hopefully I can increase my 35 xp to 65 before the exam.              

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Holy Progress Batman!

I have to say I am very pleased with the amount of progress my group was able to accomplish this week. It seemed like every day a different feature was solved and implemented. We were able to cross off a bunch of requirements from the long list. I feel that the overall game is really coming together. Shaders should also be in the game soon, but we are having a problem with the converter. We still must conquer large requirements such as the animation loader. Hopefully we will be able to solve these problems soon. I also began skinning my character, but I am having issues with the IK, as the arm is not moving correctly. The deadline is quickly approaching, but I think we should be able to get it all done, hopefully.       

Saturday, November 5, 2011


This week’s progress was not spectacular was a large portion of the week was spent at the Montreal International Game Summit. Overall it was a wonderful experience. The talks where very informative, I was able to learn a lot about game design though the speakers. Especially the Prototype Gears of War and New Horizons for Game Design. I was also able to network much more this year. My group was able to talk to companies such as Gameloft and EA, both of which seemed very interested in us. Bringing business cards also helped. For the game I was able to work on it a bit after MIGS. I believe I have mostly finished my level for the game. There are still some issues I need to iron out. For example when a rotate something, the physics seem to stop working. I think I am going to have to see the TA about this one. It is also getting very aggravating as it seems like everything we try to work on in the game; we always hit a brick wall. There are still a lot of requirements that my group does not know how to implement, and I am getting kind of nervous as the game is due in about a month.