Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Author: Daniel Flaquinti - 100393621
          When I was a young child I would always be creating and building different things. For example I had a toy play set that contained a plastic road and buildings. The roads would interlock, allowing me to create different layouts of cities. I also had a marble play set that allowed me to create different designs for the marble to run through (I wonder if you can guess which game I made must have had a massive influence from this toy). 

I had something similar to this as a child 

         Basically what I am trying to say is that I have always loved to be creative and think outside the box. I was never really satisfied with a simple toy that told you how to use it; I always wanted to create something different. I can even remember that at a young age I wanted to be a scientist / inventor when I grew up, so I could continually come up with new and cool ideas.

        As time went on I eventually started playing video games. I first games I played were on the Nintendo Entertainment System. These included titles such as Super Mario Bros and Tetris. I was captivated by the interactivity that games offered. They allowed me to explore their world and find the solution to problems. I became captivated by this and started shifting my focus to be more video game related. I was also gaining and interest with working with computers and technology in general. It was not until high school that I made the decision to go pursue video game development as a career. It combined my love for being creative, video games and technology into come comprehensive subject.

         Some of the games that really inspired me would be adventure style games, specifically Kirby’s Nightmare in Dreamland and Metroid Prime. The Kirby game showed me exploration and experimentation. Many of the levels contain secret places that could only be accessible by looking in hidden areas and thinking unconventionally. I was also able to experiment with Kirby’s many different types of powers. I was able to discover more uses for them by using them in different places. For example the laser ability will bounce off curved slops in the ice areas. Metroid Prime showed me how mood and atmosphere could effect a games presentation. The graphical fidelity and art style are still striking to this day. I remember always imagining what kind of different environments, monsters or discoveries lay around the next door. One part that sticks out to me was when I first entered the snow area in the game. It was so different than anywhere else I had explored and contained new enemies that I would have to learn how to defeat. I was also showed to some more clever uses of exploration and hidden secrets.

This area blew my mind

         I can safely say that I have made the right choice in choosing video game development as my career. Through this school I have learned to create different experiences for people to enjoy. One of the other factors that fuels my passion is knowing that what I am working on will be played and hopefully enjoyed by someone. That the work and dedication I pour into a project will eventually show through when someone plays the game. It was quiet rewarding during events like the GameCon as I got to see different players learn and explore the world I created. It was very rewarding to see the player get a sense of excitement and intrigue when they found some of the secret areas that I had hidden in the levels. I am now able to create my own games in which people can experimented and discover. It is truly rewarding to see your creation come to life and be enjoyed by others.   

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