Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Final Post

I was not sure if we needed to do another post, so I am going to do one just in case. Anyway the game came out great and I am looking forward to expanding it next semester. Hopefully the networking stuff will not be that difficult. I also hope we can find another artist to join our group as currently we have none. Anyway I am looking forward to finally going home for Christmas break and relaxing. I have a copy of Uncharted 2 sitting next to me (as well as a few other games) that I am dying to try out, but can't until the exams are done. Luckily I only have 6 days, 23 hours, 36 mins and 15 second before my last exam is done, but whose counting?        

Saturday, December 3, 2011


The games due date is Monday, but thankfully my group and I have completed almost all of the requirements. The only issue is the animations. I kind of had them working in a test program, but the game crashes when using them. Other than that everything seems to be done and working in the game. I have even started studying for my exams to get an early start. All of my modeling, elective, and project management assignments are done. I have 50 XP right now, but am waiting to see if the partial system homework needs to be made with a tool or not. If not then I should be up to 65 XP. Overall I think the game turned out nicely. I am still kind of disappointing as  some of the things we wanted to add to the game where nearly working, but other homework and time restrains caused us not to finish them. The first semester game is always the toughest, especially when working with a new engine. Hopefully next semester we can fix up a lot of the messy code, implemented the things that where cut, add some more functionality to the engine and dive deeper into Havok. Anyway I am looking forward to finally revealing the game on Monday at the GDW presentations as well as improving it next semester.